I have neglected this web site.
I had great intentions. Aspirational goals! Dreams of grandeur!
But life got in the way.
OR, better said, I got in the way.
I have noticed that there are many postings in the forum that have nothing to do with my purpose and passion (music, helping creatives create, and adding light to the world).
Without exception (well except for the posts in Chinese which I have no idea what they say) the posts have nothing to do with me, my company, or this website. Some are anathema to the entire reason for my being. I apologize to anyone and everyone who had to read that drivel and work to remove it from my website. Having said that I hope you all are doing well. I now have a weekly live show which I am working hard on turning into a podcast. I am nearing Episode 40. It is called Tune Into Life and it airs @ 4 pm Eastern every Thursday. The best place to watch/listen and comment is via my You Tube Channel: EOC Studios. If you happen to be connected to me on LinkedIn you can view view my profile; and if you are a friend on Facebook you can watch on my Facebook Group page Einsteins of Creativity (which is what EOC stands for by the way). The show takes a song and looks at the story behind the lyric, the song, the artist, the album and pulls life hacks and lessons from it. The aim is to help us all compose our life like a symphony. So, come one, come all... and let's make beautiful music together.